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In our Public Relations & Media Consulting Practice, we assist in tailoring a client's public message and image and can draft issue papers, reports, and briefs for media circulation. We specialize in drafting opinion articles for newspaper editorial pages and we also arrange news conferences, speaking engagements, and radio interviews for clients who wish to take their issues directly to the media and the public. In addition, we are able to provide public-opinion polling services, which enhance our ability to craft a more effective message. Among the specific services we offer include:

* Ghost writing short and long articles with a by-line specified by the client.

* Speechwriting
for addresses to large and small groups.

* Drafting
position papers on foreign and domestic policy issues.

* Writing
news releases.

* Arranging
news conferences, receptions, luncheons, and dinners to enhance client visibility.

* Conducting public opinion survey research using state-of-the-art telephone polling techniques.

* Fax broadcasting of opinion articles and news releases to media outlets.

* Researching
issues of importance to clients.

* Accessing
the World Wide Web and other "new media" for information.

* Soliciting
invitations for clients to appear on TV and radio programs.

* Writing
background briefs on topics chosen by clients.
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